Your midwife
What does a midwife do?
Contacting your midwife
Request Midwife
Before your booking appointment
Pregnancy Scans
Your Pregnancy
Childbirth Education Classes
You're a Mum
Your Baby
Pregnant again!
Your Birth
Labour and vaginal birth
Birth preferences
Planned caesarean section
Your Birth Preferences
Indicates required field
Would you like to keep your placenta?
Yes please, we will take it home
No thanks, hospital disposal please
Did you read the information on this website to guide you in birth planning?
No, I have done my own research
No, I have given birth before and feel confident in my choices
Location to give birth
Waitakere Hospital
North Shore Hospital (only if directed to)
Regardless of your chosen place to give birth you need to arrange a car seat/capsule for your baby. Make sure the car seat fits in your car AND be sure you know how to strap your baby in securely.
Support people (up to 2 at hospital)
Strategies for managing early labour
Preferences for managing labour pain
Natural options - breathing, moving, massage etc
Water - labour only
Water - labour and birth
I am still unsure but I am aware of the options
Delayed cord clamping and natural birth of the placenta is my usual practice if your history or birth process does not indicate the need for an ecbolic (injection to speed the birth of the placenta). Please comment in the additional notes if you prefer to have the injection.
Who would you like to cut the cord?
What is your baby's ethnic group (you can choose three)
Do you want your baby to have Vitamin K?
Yes, via injection
Yes, via oral drops
Only if I have an instrumental or surgical birth
No, I decline Vitamin K for my baby
Where would you prefer to spend the first few days after birth?
Home (if all is well)
Helensville birthing unit if space, if not then home
Helensville birthing unit if space, if not then hospital
Birthcare (there will be a charge for Mum's out of area)
Infant feeding
I am planning to breastfeed
I am planning to formula feed - please provide your own formula
Addition notes or questions about labour and birth
Your midwife
What does a midwife do?
Contacting your midwife
Request Midwife
Before your booking appointment
Pregnancy Scans
Your Pregnancy
Childbirth Education Classes
You're a Mum
Your Baby
Pregnant again!
Your Birth
Labour and vaginal birth
Birth preferences
Planned caesarean section